Men don't have any power in sex and relationships.
Women do.
So suffice it to say that when a woman feels that she's received less than what she deserves in any particular situation, the fault lies with her -- she is the captain of the ship, so to speak.
I've been involved in conversations this week -- arguments, actually -- about men not rising to a higher standard regarding women because there are so many "tricks" willing to sell out at rock bottom. Well, you're never going to have all women on the same page. As a black man I don't expect my goals, dreams, beliefs and actions to fall in lock step with every other black man; I have to seek out those of like mind and temperament.
The power is yours, ladies. You've got the pussy, so you make the rules. It's that simple -- or not. Because as much as women claim to be the more rational and far-thinking of the two sexes, your woman's intuition often fails you at the point of contact. I can't be that you suck, so it must be us, right?
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
(Answers to) Unisex Survey, Part Deux #4
Have you ever had sex with a platonic friend? Explain. | Nope. Sex isn't worth changing the dynamics of our relationship especially if you're a horrible lay when it's all said and done. |
What's the longest you've ever been in a relationship? | Two years off and on. |
You find yourself attracted to someone and decide to make the first move. What's your approach? | My approach is always to get their attention by finding a common interest, then put the ball in their court. |
What's your favorite time of the day to have sex and why? | Starting the day off with a little sex is always good to me. |
What do you think are your chances of finding the perfect mate? | Honestly, I'm over looking for "the perfect mate" and I'm just looking for acceptable, so the chance is very slim. |
Cuddle or no cuddle? | No cuddle. You should just be happy I'm still here. |
What are your feelings about public displays of affection, yours and others'? | I'm fine with PDA until it's bordering on dry humping. |
Is there anything about the opposite sex that intimidates you? | Not really. |
Thursday, July 29, 2010
(Answers to) Unisex Survey, Part Deux #3
Have you ever had sex with a platonic friend? Explain. | Nope |
What's the longest you've ever been in a relationship? | Two years... I'm hoping the next will just be a lifetime! |
You find yourself attracted to someone and decide to make the first move. What's your approach? | Honestly, I try hard not to, but when I did: lock eyes, smile, touch their face softly and kiss their lips! Body language cues are awesome! |
What's your favorite time of the day to have sex and why? | So stereotypical, but: the night, because in the dark you rely less on your eyes (as you would in the day) and more on your other senses! Touch! |
What do you think are your chances of finding the perfect mate? | I'm not sure! That dude is too hung up on religion! Maybe in another lifetime, sigh... |
Cuddle or no cuddle? | Definitely cuddle, but not all the time! Maybe, just relax near each other! I don't need a permanent panda bear or anything! :D |
What are your feelings about public displays of affection, yours and others'? | I think a little, unexpected is fun and okay! But annoying a third wheeler and stuff! Negs (short for negative) A walk in a park at night could be more than a walk though... Well, maybe only in my dreams! LOL! |
Is there anything about the opposite sex that intimidates you? | They are not as open with their emotions as I would like them to be! When they scan my figure too hard<--- be more ambiguous here please! |
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Even If He Asks ... Don't Tell!!!
"Your haircut is worse than the Holocaust." |
We'll ask questions -- not generic questions but crucial queries like, "Am I the best you've ever had?" -- that we really don't want an honest answer to.
So don't give any.
A man will take you there. He'll ask and make nice and pretend that it won't hurt his feelings -- he wants the honest truth. But your life will only remain status quo if the answer you give reaffirms his self-esteem. Anything less than that and prepare to dwell in a dark dimension of uncomfortable follow-up questions, seething resentment and ultimately some type of passive-aggressive gesture on his part -- like boning your enemy -- that could signal the end of everything.
Don't tell, even if he asks. ... Don't!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
A Portrait of the Asshole as a Young Man 16
I like women with skill sets.
Really. I'm talking about things most other girls can't do -- the fact that you're working on your umpteenth degree does nothing for my penis -- like contorting or being able to handle things with your feet.
I'd like to get with an expert marksman, a female who can shoot the eye out of a hawk. Then again ... I'd soon be her likeliest target. I plan on being cremated but I still don't want a giant hole through my head.
Ballerinas = hotness. (Except for those jacked-up feet; keep the shoes on.)
Maybe a lion tamer or some shit. Maybe Adam just needs a backstage pass at the circus this autumn.
I like peculiarity in women. Something out of the ordinary. It could be debated until the end of the age, but I consider myself extraordinary. I make mention of this not to boast but to say that my interest can't be sustained by anything common; as a creative -- and an only child -- I'm easily bored and not so easily dazzled.
Give me a chick who might be a secret agent! Fantastical, I know, but the thought that she just snapped someone's neck, detonated an explosive device, and outraced the enemy in a Toyota Prius before knocking on my door would completely knock me down. Plus, when the sex is over it's more likely she'll have to leave for "an important debriefing" back at headquarters.
I get my whole bed back. SCORE!!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
(Answers to) Unisex Survey, Part Deux #2
Have you ever had sex with a platonic friend? Explain. | yes. i was curious to see how we was in bed. we are still friends because we had that understanding |
What's the longest you've ever been in a relationship? | three years |
You find yourself attracted to someone and decide to make the first move. What's your approach? | a simple hello. but i freak around guess i think are attractive |
What's your favorite time of the day to have sex and why? | morning. makes your day better and my sex drive is high in the morning |
What do you think are your chances of finding the perfect mate? | slim. most people already have the" one" eventhough they may not be official. but keep hope alive |
Cuddle or no cuddle? | no cuddle |
What are your feelings about public displays of affection, yours and others'? | please dont.that goes for everyone. and side note....if we out to dinner sit on your side |
Is there anything about the opposite sex that intimidates you? | overly confident |
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Men As Entertainment
![]() |
Bill "Bojangles" Robinson |
Why am I telling women what they already know? Because a lot of men are hip to this and have become even more asshole-ish (a word?) around chicks, thinking they only have it in their minds to twist them around and make them look like fools -- an affront to their pride.
(The cockblock is a close cousin of this type.)
Anyway, the next time you've got some dude in front of you being corny, just let him know it's not working. Don't let him dig a shallow grave in front of you. It's just not right.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
(Answers to) Unisex Survey, Part Deux
Have you ever had sex with a platonic friend? Explain. | Yes. Its a long story so here's a summary: we were neighbors, we flirted, the opprotunity presented itself and as it goes "one thing lead to another"...and another...and another. We're still cool to this day. |
What's the longest you've ever been in a relationship? | Never. If i can't see us growing together its not a "relationship" its companionship. |
You find yourself attracted to someone and decide to make the first move. What's your approach? | Give em the million dollar smile and break the ice. Depending on the vibe that can be anything from a compliment to a pick up line. |
What's your favorite time of the day to have sex and why? | Anytime is good, but the best time is at night with a moonlit room (open blinds, silhouettes are sexy). |
What do you think are your chances of finding the perfect mate? | 100% perfect - MegaMillions odds, 85% perfect & 25%ok - Blackjack odds |
Cuddle or no cuddle? | Depends on my mood and the person |
What are your feelings about public displays of affection, yours and others'? | Kissing & holding hands is cool. Groping, yeah, not so much. I mean as long as ya'll aren't on the floor like the couple in Don't Be a Menace, i say do you. |
Is there anything about the opposite sex that intimidates you? | Aggressiveness, some men can't keep it in check. |
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Exercises in Futility
I attended an open forum discussion on relations between black men and black women last night that degenerated into a shouting match after the first question.
Thing is, I expected that it would.
Keep in mind, these were educated, accomplished folks. The women started in first with their complaints and the men naturally became defensive, resentful. Grandiose statements were made... Bible verses quoted... personal stories brought to the fore... but not a jot of progress.
Forums like these usually become just a cathartic go-round where women get their turns to air their grievances with black men and indict us for all the ways in which we've failed to measure up as a generation. It seems that black women love black men but that's it's a heavy-handed kind of love-- borne out of some sense of history and nostalgia that does nothing for 2010.
One woman remarked that we shouldn't even try to date because in the Bible people didn't do so. This is true as no dating was needed back then; you women belonged to your fathers and they "sold" you to your husbands who became your new masters.
Not all history is good history, and not every problem can be solved in a conversation.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Your heart is the scene of the crime. |
Jill is in a relationship with Jack.
Jill is engaged to Jack.
Jill is single.
Jill is in a relationship with Jack and it's complicated.
But it's not complicated, is it? Jill is in a murder-suicide relationship, the kind that's headed for destruction because one person-- usually the woman-- cannot make the ultimate decision to call it a game and move on. I don't use the term "murder-suicide" lightly; in every one of these relationships something dies-- often a woman's youthful vigor.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
A Portrait of the Asshole as a Young Man 15
I've got a big ego.
They say two people with very strong personalities can't last together in a relationship. Maybe they're right. The women who've always enthralled me most are the ones who didn't take any shit from anybody. The kind that called me on my shit. The ones who were rough around the edges but ultimately sweet in the middle.
Yeah... that's my wifey. Just one problem, though. MY EGO!!!
You may say it's a character flaw but it's just that the same women who entice me most-- save for Amber Rose who's hot, mysterious, and talks very little-- are the same women whose egos are too big to fit in the room with my own.
It's all about them, all about their friends, their fun-- their eventual fame. Problem is, it's all about me in my personal universe, and to marry or even date such a woman would be to negate that.
Shh. Don't try to rebut this. I've worked it all out in my "cave" (see yesterday's post).
Monday, July 19, 2010
A Shameless Endorsement
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus (1992), along with the other books later written by John Gray, Ph.D., are the gold standard for relationship books.
Forget about He's Just Not That Into You; throw that bullshit Steve Harvey book in the trash (or delete the bootleg copy you got via e-mail from your aunt).
It was where I first learned about the "cave" (for men) and the "wave" (for women), just a few of the revelations that Gray proffers in his first book. I won't go into specifics because I really want you to read this book-- and buy it, perhaps.
Forget about He's Just Not That Into You; throw that bullshit Steve Harvey book in the trash (or delete the bootleg copy you got via e-mail from your aunt).
It was where I first learned about the "cave" (for men) and the "wave" (for women), just a few of the revelations that Gray proffers in his first book. I won't go into specifics because I really want you to read this book-- and buy it, perhaps.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Instead of That Sexy Tattoo, Just Work Out!
Wow! Was that harsh?!? Good.
Tattoos can be very sexy and expressive, but only when the canvas isn't warped and bloated. It won't matter that you have a tramp stamp when your back looks like a busted can of biscuits. An ankle tattoo will only draw attention to the fact that you don't really have ankles. Instead of spending money on a tattoo that won't enhance your sexy, invest in a gym membership.
I know... a tattoo isn't always about looking cute. Sometimes it's about showing allegiance to a country or cause or honoring a living or dead loved one, but when you slap a tat over some hot mess you're not honoring anyone.
Make the tat your reward when you've dropped fifteen pounds and tightened up what's left. You'll feel better about yourself-- and so will we.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
(Answers to) Unisex Survey #10
Imagine that you're forced to be the opposite sex for a year. What would you do in that time? | learn all womens secrets |
Who or what do you think about when you masturbate? | booty talk porn |
Have you ever dated someone you later suspected was a sociopath? If so, explain. | nope |
The best and worst date movies are... | i don't about best but the worst be the twilights and movies like that for me |
If you could exist inside someone else's body like an Avatar, who would it be? | obama before he got elected lol |
What is your worst relationship quality? | say whats on my mind to much |
Friday, July 16, 2010
How Men Really Think
I've heard from some women that this blog should be a bit less one-sided, that I should take time out to talk about men and what they should do.
There's already enough of that on Facebook-- women with silly statuses asking questions they already know the answers to.
Men aren't the reason why there are so many relationship self-help books out there. We're not the ones constantly sparking mini-forums on social networking sites about how the opposite sex does this or that. We're not the ones constantly pulling out our hair, bewildered by your actions and behaviors.
What we are doing is spilling our guts in the early morning hours at places like Denny's, IHOP, Waffle House. We're telling our boys things we'd never, ever tell you. We're talking about the realest shit-- like wanting to leave you because you gained thirty pounds-- as other men listen and pass no judgment (unless we told him not to fuck with you in the first place).
I'm not just a fly on the wall for these conversations but an active participant, and with the blessing of most men I'm providing for you on this blog a transcript of what we discuss, what's most important to us-- what we wish we could let you know without fear of reprisal (no pussy).
If you want equity, start your own blog. You have my blessing; just don't bite my trademark.
There's already enough of that on Facebook-- women with silly statuses asking questions they already know the answers to.
Men aren't the reason why there are so many relationship self-help books out there. We're not the ones constantly sparking mini-forums on social networking sites about how the opposite sex does this or that. We're not the ones constantly pulling out our hair, bewildered by your actions and behaviors.
What we are doing is spilling our guts in the early morning hours at places like Denny's, IHOP, Waffle House. We're telling our boys things we'd never, ever tell you. We're talking about the realest shit-- like wanting to leave you because you gained thirty pounds-- as other men listen and pass no judgment (unless we told him not to fuck with you in the first place).
I'm not just a fly on the wall for these conversations but an active participant, and with the blessing of most men I'm providing for you on this blog a transcript of what we discuss, what's most important to us-- what we wish we could let you know without fear of reprisal (no pussy).
If you want equity, start your own blog. You have my blessing; just don't bite my trademark.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Men are Present-Minded
Because you can't stick your dick in the past.
So no talking about past failed relationships or that ex-best friend who fucked your man or any of that nonsense. I suppose men bring our own baggage-- for instance, if we're used to "easy" girls we'll probably come at you like one-- but our present decisions are much less informed by the past.
We have the memory of animals. When a cheetah fails to catch its prey it doesn't sit around sulking; it simply moves on looking for new prey. Women are often like elephants, hanging on to every memory-- especially the crappy ones-- wanting the past to be everything. Men don't do that.
Because you can't stick your dick in the past.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
A Portrait of the Asshole as a Young Man 14 |
It's one of the silliest euphemisms for female genitalia-- and also my favorite (except when I'm in the hood where I revert to using "nappy dugout").
Why this term of endearment? I just like the way it sounds. I like that P-word better-- you know, 'pussy'-- but the p itself makes this word a harder pill for others' ears to swallow. (I have a female friend who hates to hear me say this word. 'Vagina' sounds fine but...)
Some women say it's debasement for men to call a vagina out of its name, but technically it's not a person-- it doesn't have a brain per se. And thank God for that! If that monkey spent all day talking-- the way some women do-- you'd never be able to shove a banana in its "mouth."
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
(Answers to) Unisex Survey #9
Imagine that you're forced to be the opposite sex for a year. What would you do in that time? | try to explain how men should treat a woman so when I change back it'll be better for me |
Who or what do you think about when you masturbate? | dude I got a crush on... with a six pack if he aint got one |
Have you ever dated someone you later suspected was a sociopath? If so, explain. | I think everybody done fucked wit somebody crazy |
The best and worst date movies are... | Not scary movies... something with Will Smith |
If you could exist inside someone else's body like an Avatar, who would it be? | Kim K (and get wit Miles Austin) |
What is your worst relationship quality? | I can get loud and yell sometimes but only if they deserved to get yelled at. |
Monday, July 12, 2010
Facebook Confessionals
'Cause, see, no one else cares.
We don't care that your man is wack. We don't care that you've been suffering with this wackness for years. We don't care about what you're worth or what you think you deserve, whether or not you're an option. We don't care that you're cutting your hair, getting a new attitude, looking for a new man (or waiting extra-hard on God to send you one).
We don't care that it's now "complicated."
Personally I don't consider a woman who sleeps around a whore, but I do consider one who won't keep her business off Facebook an attention whore-- the worst kind.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Hate Sex
This is for the hater in you. |
No matter.
I know women are affected by everything-- do I like him? does he care about me?-- when it comes to sex, but a man will have sex with women he doesn't even like-- despises, even! I think it's an evolutionary thing.
Anyway, it might behoove you to take up with a man with whom you share mutual animosity. He'll have something to prove, and he'll try his best to make you scream his name-- 'cause that means he wins! [Fist pump here]
Saturday, July 10, 2010
(Answers to) Unisex Survey #8
Imagine that you're forced to be the opposite sex for a year. What would you do in that time? | Probably be the meanest girl in the world lol |
Who or what do you think about when you masturbate? | Girls I had, girls i wanna have, girls from movies and magazines |
Have you ever dated someone you later suspected was a sociopath? If so, explain. | I don't think so. A crazy bitch is just a crazy bitch to me. |
The best and worst date movies are... | Comedies cause they leave you in a good mood. NO TEENS IN LOVE that's lame |
If you could exist inside someone else's body like an Avatar, who would it be? | Lebron, c'mon! |
What is your worst relationship quality? | I've cheated on a couple girls, not proud but it is what it is. |
Friday, July 9, 2010
Your Man, and Other Women
Okay, the straight dope. Look at your man... now back to me...
Just kidding... but seriously, look at your man. BE FOR REAL!!! Is he fine to you or just plain fine? If it's the former then don't worry, you still get to play.
I hear women rattle off this and that about their dream guy: tall, handsome, built, sensitive, tough, hard-working, fun-loving, spontaneous, stable, etc. Supposing your man is all of the above you won't be the only one to notice. Other women will see your man, want your man and try to take your man from you (because they think you're a punk and a troll). Be ready for this, and understand that your man is goofy enough to take the bait-- so watch him. Don't be a nag, but... watch.
Now, if your man looks like the monster from Cloverfield you can give some slack on the leash, but you're not immune to getting your property snatched. Ugly dudes who get a little bit of attention will stray because men can't help responding to the attention of any woman. Yeah, I know, he's ugly, but a lot of women out there think like you-- and if your attitude is "slim pickings, better just grab one" then...
So, in review, if he's fine watch him like a hawk; if he's not then just watch him like a mall security guard. Okay, go!
Just kidding... but seriously, look at your man. BE FOR REAL!!! Is he fine to you or just plain fine? If it's the former then don't worry, you still get to play.
I hear women rattle off this and that about their dream guy: tall, handsome, built, sensitive, tough, hard-working, fun-loving, spontaneous, stable, etc. Supposing your man is all of the above you won't be the only one to notice. Other women will see your man, want your man and try to take your man from you (because they think you're a punk and a troll). Be ready for this, and understand that your man is goofy enough to take the bait-- so watch him. Don't be a nag, but... watch.
Now, if your man looks like the monster from Cloverfield you can give some slack on the leash, but you're not immune to getting your property snatched. Ugly dudes who get a little bit of attention will stray because men can't help responding to the attention of any woman. Yeah, I know, he's ugly, but a lot of women out there think like you-- and if your attitude is "slim pickings, better just grab one" then...
So, in review, if he's fine watch him like a hawk; if he's not then just watch him like a mall security guard. Okay, go!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
"Ma'am! You Forgot Your Whore-Bag!"
Because you want the world to know. |
A true cocksman will have a BIG VALUE!!! bag of cheap toothbrushes, but the rest is up in the air. He won't have baby wipes-- on the real, he might not have any more toilet paper-- so you'll need to bring your own. If you don't want to walk outside in the A.M. looking like Teen Wolf it's best to bring at least a comb for that hair of yours.
Wear your glasses but take them off before knocking on his door if he isn't used to seeing them. Chances are he already jerked one off before you arrived and he'll need you in the original fantasy mode if he's to rise to the occasion. Don't worry about being able to see, he'll guide you to the bed; most of the stimulation from this point will be tactile anyway.
Bring some Listerine strips. Pop one in before and after you've blown him.
Pack a bottled water. Trust me.
And put some cash in your whore-bag. I don't even know why you would need it, but you don't want to be without it-- just in case _________ happens.
Lastly, make sure your bag is small enough to be inconspicuous but large enough to hold all your toiletries and knick-knacks plus your bra and panties... 'cause in the morning you might be like, "Fuck it."
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
(Answers to) Unisex Survey #7
Imagine that you're forced to be the opposite sex for a year. What would you do in that time? | recieve oral sex on a regular basis, masturbate with warm lotion, & finally try anal sex! |
Who or what do you think about when you masturbate? | either i think about who i'd like to be in bed with, or i focus what the people are doing on my computer screen. |
Have you ever dated someone you later suspected was a sociopath? If so, explain. | yes. he was not only a self-rightous jerk with poor self-esteem, but he was so much of liar that he began to believe himself. i still dont know what was real and what was fake. |
The best and worst date movies are... | the best date movies are movies that promote opinionated conversations after you watch them; something along the lines of Law Abiding Citizen, or maybe a documentary when the subject is of interest to both parties. romance movies- booooo! |
If you could exist inside someone else's body like an Avatar, who would it be? | Masaharu Moromito |
What is your worst relationship quality? | im too honest |
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A Portrait of the Asshole as a Young Man 13
I hate the term "game." Hate it.
I don't believe there's such a thing as game, good or bad. There are only styles and women who respond to those styles.
Some women like a man to step right to them and start spitting lines that are sweet as corn syrup-- and blatantly false. Other women are more superficial, just waiting for a guy to lift up his shirt and expose a six-pack like "The Situation." Others still are affected only by material rewards, like an expensive drink from the bar or a request to accompany him on his trip to Europe ('cause he's a baller, I suppose).
Game is often mentioned as a battle meant to have one winner, like chess; but it's actually more like a waltz-- both parties have to agree to the dance. So no man can ever say he "gamed a chick," and no woman can ever say she "got gamed." It's round peg to round peg. A ghetto girl is going to anticipate a thug, a sorority girl a frat boy... a guido a guidette.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Back to Your Future?
Whatever you've got planned, leave us out of it... for a time, at least.
You've been planning your wedding day-- and, by implication, the rest of your life-- since before you knew it would actually cost "grown-ups money." With all that I'll show you mine if you show me yours play from high school and/or college out of your system, it's time to get serious; every man you date now must be a potential winner of the reality show that is your love search!
But... men don't give a shit, so don't bring it up from go.
And do not bring up your plans for the future on a first date. You just met me! (Or maybe I should've written "him" there; everyone knows I don't date.) We're still trying to figure out how long it's going to take to sleep with you, not pondering where we should register. Your only expectations in the beginning should be that we pay for dinner, call you regularly and refrain from wearing any colognes from the 90s (Cool Water, anyone?).
You've been planning your wedding day-- and, by implication, the rest of your life-- since before you knew it would actually cost "grown-ups money." With all that I'll show you mine if you show me yours play from high school and/or college out of your system, it's time to get serious; every man you date now must be a potential winner of the reality show that is your love search!
But... men don't give a shit, so don't bring it up from go.
And do not bring up your plans for the future on a first date. You just met me! (Or maybe I should've written "him" there; everyone knows I don't date.) We're still trying to figure out how long it's going to take to sleep with you, not pondering where we should register. Your only expectations in the beginning should be that we pay for dinner, call you regularly and refrain from wearing any colognes from the 90s (Cool Water, anyone?).
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Let it ring. |
I'm usually not big on hyping women up with the word "independence"-- as I think women use it as an excuse to be contrary in all situations-- but today, this Fourth of July, I'm asking women to assessing whether or not it's time to revolt against the tyranny of your current relationship.
This is normally something you'd do after New Year's, after a birthday or after you've found those sketchy text messages in his phone (which you weren't supposed to be in anyway), but I'm asking you to do it today.
It's probably been long and coming.
What I don't want are any more streams of consciousness on my Facebook news feeds by women who are fed up now with actions and behavior they should've been fed up with months or even years ago. Save me the nausea. Run a checklist on your man and if today's the day you realize he's not "The One" then today's the day you declare your independence.
You don't have to leave today; just resolve to leave today.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Never Change
![]() |
Stagnation... something you can drink to. |
People don't change, men or women.
It would be easy twenty years down the road to imagine you didn't detect all that craziness in your man when you first signed up, but it was there-- and you witnessed it. For whatever reason-- his sex, his ambition, his corny-ass jokes-- you charged it to the game and pressed on.
Problem is, bad habits and behaviors only get worse as people age. If they're paranoid when they're young, they're even more paranoid when they're old because they're getting weaker. If they gossip when they're young, they'll gossip even more when they're old because they're no longer in the new loop.
Men especially become more rigid with age because we've already accumulated the things we took risks for when we were younger. Your man took you everywhere because he wanted to impress you; now that a ring is on it, he doesn't understand why you two can't just stay home.
That highlights another point. Some people will tell you that people can and do change. This is true to an extent, but not in a truly substantial way. The average person will change on the outside so as to create a facade for you and others, but deep down they're still the same. There are some people who change but only after some drastic life occurence-- incarceration, for example-- humbles them completely (and usually breaks the essential spirit of what made them them).
Anyway, choose wisely now. Choose poorly and it'll only get worse later, when you're too old and tired to do anything about it.
Friday, July 2, 2010
On Anniversaries
For a group that abhors counting birthdays (after 25, anyway), women sure do love when anniversaries-- not just weddings... all of them-- come around.
Men, not so much. I mean we care about wedding anniversaries (mainly because we have to) as it gives us the opportunity to impress the way we did when we first met you... you know, before we got into your pants.
But all the rest of those occasions like the day we met or the day or the first time I let you eat off my plate are not worth remembering exactly to the day but in a more general, reflective way; this way we don't sound like nuts when we recount said stories to other people at dinner parties.
Like I said wedding anniversaries are okay, just uncomfortable. Why? Because they take us-- men, I mean-- out of our routines and forces us to dress up, sit in a fancy restaurant with more than one fork and spoon and express verbally our deep and abiding love in a way that we're used to doing with our dicks-- albeit not as eloquently.
Men, not so much. I mean we care about wedding anniversaries (mainly because we have to) as it gives us the opportunity to impress the way we did when we first met you... you know, before we got into your pants.
But all the rest of those occasions like the day we met or the day or the first time I let you eat off my plate are not worth remembering exactly to the day but in a more general, reflective way; this way we don't sound like nuts when we recount said stories to other people at dinner parties.
Like I said wedding anniversaries are okay, just uncomfortable. Why? Because they take us-- men, I mean-- out of our routines and forces us to dress up, sit in a fancy restaurant with more than one fork and spoon and express verbally our deep and abiding love in a way that we're used to doing with our dicks-- albeit not as eloquently.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
(Answers to) Unisex Survey #6
Imagine that you're forced to be the opposite sex for a year. What would you do in that time? | Be a lipstick lesbian and maybe try to educate females on how to properly treat a man. |
Who or what do you think about when you masturbate? | Porn...something within the female demographic that contains big booties |
Have you ever dated someone you later suspected was a sociopath? If so, explain. | I am one...I think...does that count |
The best and worst date movies are... | Comedies and Action are the best...anything that will bring up a serious discussion after the movie are out. |
If you could exist inside someone else's body like an Avatar, who would it be? | Adam Scott Thompson: so I can really see how screwed up his mind is...but if not him, then probably Justin Beiber, so I can slay all his prowling cougars...must be at least 18 or older if not a cougar LOL |
What is your worst relationship quality? | Diving in head first and losing myself, to only find it later and be pissed and frustrated with life. |
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