Do you believe there's such a thing as a soulmate?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dating Tips Every Woman Over 30 Needs to Know

(The following is an excerpt from an article on  Brackets, [ ], indicated my personal emphasis.)

If you're a woman over thirty back in the dating game then these dating tips should help you play a little smarter without needing to work harder. This is your time to shine. Don't let anyone else tell you any differently.

So, what are these wonderful tips and how are they going to help you land Mr. Right?

1) Be confident. You're a woman in your prime. You are bright, savvy, and beautiful. It doesn't get much better than that. If you believe otherwise take a nice long, objective look in the mirror and don't stop until you've seen the beautiful, intelligent, creative thinker looking back at you that Mr. Right is going to see when he looks at you.

2) Know that life and fun did not end at 29. It really is just a number no matter how devastating the world is going to try to convince you it is. If you allow anyone to convince you that you are somehow diminished by the passage of time you might want to remind them that many works of art become more valuable with time.

3) Laugh often. It is especially important to laugh while on dates. If he doesn't laugh along with you then he's probably not Mr. Right. Who wants a Mr. Right that either takes himself too seriously or just can't seem to loosen up and have a little fun? The purpose of dating is to have fun with someone else if you're not both having fun it's not going to be a great date. Laugh. Have fun. Be prepared for a good time instead of worrying about what could get wrong.

4) Relax! Do whatever it takes to calm yourself. Whether you need a massage, a facial at the spa, or a nice healthy dose of chocolate to calm your nerves do whatever it takes to find your place of Zen. When you are comfortable and relaxed you'll be in a much better frame of mind to have fun and to be fun. You want to make sure that he's having a great time too: especially if you'd like a second date.

5) Don't let outside pressure allow you to feel desperate to find Mr. Right. It's not important to get married right now. It's more important to find the right man to get married too. Undo pressure to get married or make grandchildren has led more than one woman down a path that wasn't wise. Don't leap into a relationship you don't really want because you think it will make other people happy. Instead, focus on what it will take to make you happy and find the man that will deliver.

Chances are you've already met Mr. Right and he's slipped through your fingers.  [Look closer next time.]

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