Do you believe there's such a thing as a soulmate?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to Identify a Narcissistic Partner

(This test was obtained from an article[1/4] written by Mark Goulston, M.D.)

Use this Narcissist Inventory as a useful guide, rating your partner -- or prospective suitor(s) -- on a 1-to-3 scale (1 = rarely; 2 = sometimes; 3 = frequently):

  1. How often does the person need to be right at all costs?
  2. How often does the person act impatient with you for no good reason?
  3. How often does the person interrupt you in the middle of what you're saying, and yet take offense if you interrupt?
  4. How often does the person expect you to drop whatever you're thinking about and listen to him or her--and does the person take offense when you expect the same in return?
  5. How often does the person talk more than he or she listens?
  6. How often does the person say "Yes, but," "That's not true," "No," "However," or "Your problem is"?
  7. How often does the person resist and resent doing something that matters to you, just because it's inconvenient?
  8. How often does the person expect you to cheerfully do something that's inconvenient for you?
  9. How often does the person expect you to accept behavior that he or she would refuse to accept from you?
  10. How often does the person fail to say "Thank you," "I'm sorry," "Congratulations," or "Excuse me" when it's called for?
To score your inventory, add up the total:
10-16 =The person is cooperative
17-23 = The person is argumentative
24-30 = The person is a narcissist

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